Oral Reading Accuracy:
DAR Mastery Level 1-1


The TTS for Oral Reading Accuracy helps teachers become more aware of students’
needs in this area and provides them with strategies for helping students improve. Both
strategies in this section involve pre-teaching of difficult-to-read words. In the first
strategy, the teacher identifies the words to teach. In the second strategy, the student
identifies the words.

Strategy: Teacher Identification of Difficult Words

Materials Needed:
TTS-ORA-DAR 1-1-TSIdent.pdf

Say:     In a few minutes I am going to ask you to read a story in which there will 
            be some difficult words. Before you do that, though, we’re going to look
            first at some of the hard words.

Give the student a copy of the word list for the selection.

Say:     Here are the words we’ll work on. Try reading each of them, and I’ll help
            you if you need it.

Correct each word that the student misses, and ask the student to repeat the word after

On the Teacher Copy of the word list, record the student’s errors.

When finished with the list, give the selection and the word list to the student.

Say:     Here’s the story that the words came from. The title is ________. Please
            read it aloud.

As the student reads, provide any help that is needed.

On the Teacher Copy of the selection, record the student’s errors.

Then ask the student the following:

Say:     Did looking at these words ahead of time help you read the story?

 On the Student Record Form, record the student’s response.

Strategy: Student Identification of Difficult Words

Materials Needed:
Included in Strategy: Teacher Identification of Difficult Words

Say:     I am going to ask you to read another story with some more difficult words.
           Before reading the
story this time, I’m going to ask you to show me the
you think will be hard for you to read. The story is about ________.
           Show me the words in the story that you don’t think you’ll know. Draw a line
           under each one.

When the student finishes underlining the words, read each word for him or her and ask
 the student to repeat the word after you.

Say:     Now read the story aloud.

As the student reads, provide any help that is needed.

On the Teacher Copy of the selection, record the student’s errors.

Then ask the student the following:

Say:     Did looking at these words ahead of time help you read the story?

On the Student Record Form, record the student’s response.

Interpreting and Using TTS Results:

Compare the results obtained when (1) the teacher identified difficult words and
previewed them before the student read the selection, and (2) the student identified
difficult words and previewed them before reading.

Most students who have difficulty reading text accurately need help in word recognition
and word analysis. Refer to the TTS for Word Recognition and Word Analysis to
establish the instructional approaches for letter-sound patterns that are consistently
difficult for students.
