Letters and Sounds:
Matching Words


This TTS assesses visual discrimination between similar words. It provides instructional
activities and a strategy for teaching.

Strategy: Word Matching

Materials Needed:

Show the student the Word Matching Chart and lay out the Word Matching Cards.

Say:      Here is a page of nine words, and here are some cards with words on them.
Some of the words on the cards are the same as the words on this page, and
some are not. Look carefully at the words and match as many of the word
cards to the words on the page as you can. Some will have more than
one match. Some will have no matches. Let’s do the first one together.

Help the student find a match for the first word card that has a match.

 On the Student Record Form, record the student’s word matches.

If the student has difficulty matching words, choose a card.

Say:      Take a good look at this word. Does it have many letters or few? Do you see
any words on the page with that many letters? Now take another look at the
letters in the word on the card. What are the first letters? Can you find a
word on the page that begins with those letters? When you find one, look
closely at both words and check to see that all the letters match.

If the student continues to have difficulty, separate the two-letter word cards from the rest
and help the student find matches to these. Then separate the three-letter words and give
aid as needed with these.

Interpreting and Using TTS Results:

When students have difficulty with this activity, they could have poor visual
discrimination between similar words or they might not have acquired enough skill in
naming letters. For difficulties with visual discrimination, provide practice first with two-
letter words (such as on/no, it/is). Then have the student work with three-letter words
(such as saw/was, not/now) and later with four- and five-letter words (such as then/they,
). Refer to the TTS for Letters and Sounds: Naming Capital and Lowercase Letters
if the student has difficulty with this skill. When
sight words begin to be acquired, ask
students to read the words matched in activities such as these.
