Letters and Sounds:
Matching Letters
This TTS assesses visual discrimination between frequently confused lowercase letters. It
provides instructional activities and a strategy for teaching.
Strategy: Letter Matching
Materials Needed:
TTS-LS-MLetters-LM v2.pdf
Use the following procedure for each of the five letters (d, p, b, m, n) shown on the Letter and
Words Cards provided for the first activity.
Show the student one of the cards.
Say: Here is the letter __. What letter is this?
After the student repeats the letter name,
Say: Here are some words with the letter __ in them. Show me with your finger where
the letter __ is in each of these words.
On the Student Record Form, circle the letter the student identifies in each word.
Turn the card letter-side down.
Say: Now draw a __ on the table with your finger.
On the Student Record Form, note the student’s response.
If the student forms the letter incorrectly, turn the card letter-side up and note the form of the letter with the student. Then, with the letter in view, have the student use a finger to draw it again on the table. |
Repeat this exercise until all five letters (d, p, b, m, n) have been addressed.
Next, give the Looking for Letters page to the student.
Say: Here is a page of letters. One letter is boxed at the beginning of each line. Draw a
circle around all the letters in each line that are the same as the letter in the box.
If the student fails to circle the correct letters in any line, show him or her the appropriate Letter and Words Card and have him or her use a finger to draw the letter again. Then ask the student to correct error(s) in that line. |
On the Student Record Form, note whether the student had difficulty matching letters.
Interpreting and Using TTS Results:
Students who have difficulty with these activities could have poor visual discrimination
between similar letters. Create games and letter-search worksheets such as Looking for
Letters to provide practice in distinguishing between similar letters (such as b/d, h/n, m/n,
v/w). Refer to the TTS for Letters and Sounds: Naming Capital and Lowercase Letters
if students need additional practice in naming letters.