Overview of the TTS
The Trial Teaching Strategies (TTS) are a series of short lessons that link instruction to assessment. With the Diagnostic Assessments of Reading, the Trial Teaching Strategies form a unique, two-part, comprehensive testing/teaching program.
The Diagnostic Assessments of Reading (DAR)—the first part of the program—make up the testing component. DAR subtests assess students’ strengths and needs in the following areas: Print Awareness, Phonological Awareness, Letters and Sounds, Word Recognition, Word Analysis, Oral Reading, Silent Reading Comprehension, Spelling, and Word Meaning.
The Trial Teaching Strategies (TTS)—the second part of the program—are the teaching component. The TTS are a series of short lessons that link instruction to assessment. Through the TTS, teachers gain additional information about students’ learning needs and obtain direction concerning the kinds of instruction and materials appropriate for improving students’ reading ability.
Objectives of the TTS:
To help confirm or clarify students’ DAR results
To help determine appropriate methods to further students’ reading development
To provide research-based instructional strategies and initial lessons with procedures for using them
To help select the content, form, and difficulty level of materials for optimal learning and greatest interest
To observe and record qualitative characteristics in students that may strengthen or hamper their efforts to learn
To demonstrate to students their capacity to learn