Word Recognition:
DAR Mastery Levels 5–9/10

If the student’s highest Word Recognition Mastery Level was 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9/10, please consult
the following chart to see which TTS are recommended for your student.

If DAR Word Recognition
Mastery Level is:
Consider administering
these additional TTS:
Level 5 or 6 Word Analysis: Two-Syllable Words
Level 5, 6, 7, or 8 Word Analysis: Polysyllabic Words
Level 7, 8, or 9/10 Word Meaning: DAR Mastery Level 7-9/10
Level 9/10 Oral Reading Accuracy: DAR Mastery Level 9/10
Level 9/10 Oral Reading Fluency: DAR Mastery Level 9/10
