DAR Mastery Level 0


The strategy for Comprehension at Levels 0–2 assesses whether a student’s
comprehension difficulties are unique to reading, or evident when listening as well.

Strategy: Listening Comprehension

Materials Needed:
TTS-Comp-DAR 0-Listen.pdf

I’m going to read you a story. When I’m done, I’ll ask you to tell me what the
            story was about.

Read the selection aloud to the student. When you are finished,

Say:      Tell me what the story was about.

On the Student Record Form, record the student’s retelling and rate it using the oral
response rubric.

Interpreting and Using TTS Results:

If the student can retell the story, the student’s comprehension difficulty probably stems
from difficulties in word recognition. Refer to the TTS for Word Recognition to get
further information.

If the student cannot retell the story, read aloud to the student from a variety of materials
on a level above the level at which he or she can read independently. As you read aloud,
stop frequently to ask the student to tell you in his or her own words what is happening in
the selection.

Comprehension difficulties also can be related to needs in vocabulary. Refer to the TTS
for Word Meaning to get further information.
